Men's Ministry

Men at Westside can participate in many ministries for personal edification or outreach

Men's Prayer Breakfast:  Westside Men gather the 2nd Saturday of each month at 8 AM in the gym for breakfast, a short challenge from various speakers, and prayer time.  All men and sons are invited to attend.

Outreach Visitation:
Saturday morning visitation is an opportunity to call on recent visitors and the homebound, or share the gospel in neighborhoods.

Prison Ministry:
Twice a month, Westside shares the life-changing truth of God's Word and spiritual encouragement at the Trenton Correctional Institution.

Rescue Mission: Westside volunteers share the gospel and sometimes a meal at the Augusta Rescue Mission the fourth Tuesday of each month.

WBC Fight Club: Men are invited to join a Fight Club, a group of 3-6 individuals who meet together on a regular basis to spur one another on in fighting in four areas:

  1. We fight for our walk with God.
  2. We fight for our heart and character.
  3. We fight for our family.
  4. We fight for our Christian brother. 

Our spiritual enemy is warring against us in each of these areas. Joining a Fight Club is good defense and offence in the daily battle.

Wisdom Seekers - Sundays at 9AM
God is looking for men who will prepare themselves to be godly, Spirit-filled servants, victorious leaders of their families in the church or wherever God opens a door. Please join us on Sunday mornings in E-102, at 9:00AM for exciting days in study, gaining a sweet fellowship that our class experiences every week. All men are welcome, from 18 to 90. We will look for you!