Men's Prayer Breakfast: Westside Men gather the 2nd Saturday of each month at 8 AM in the gym for breakfast, a short challenge from various speakers, and prayer time. All men and sons are invited to attend.
Outreach Visitation: Saturday morning visitation is an opportunity to call on recent visitors and the homebound, or share the gospel in neighborhoods.
Prison Ministry: Twice a month, Westside shares the life-changing truth of God's Word and spiritual encouragement at the Trenton Correctional Institution.
Rescue Mission: Westside volunteers share the gospel and sometimes a meal at the Augusta Rescue Mission the fourth Tuesday of each month.
WBC Fight Club: Men are invited to join a Fight Club, a group of 3-6 individuals who meet together on a regular basis to spur one another on in fighting in four areas:
Our spiritual enemy is warring against us in each of these areas. Joining a Fight Club is good defense and offence in the daily battle.
Wisdom Seekers - Sundays at 9AM
God is looking for men who will prepare themselves to be godly, Spirit-filled servants, victorious leaders of their families in the church or wherever God opens a door. Please join us on Sunday mornings in E-102, at 9:00AM for exciting days in study, gaining a sweet fellowship that our class experiences every week. All men are welcome, from 18 to 90. We will look for you!